Friday, September 23, 2005

shes a red bull

Sunday, December 12, 2004
shes a red bull...
so.the thing about me is that i get obsessed so easily and so often. and you should know this by now.
its true that the obsessions shift from season to season
when i finally get to go to disneyland, i will immidiatly be re-obsessed with nightmare. and legitimately so, i feel. its an imaginary world that i would desperatly love to be animated into. and, from october thruu january, it sets up temporary shop in the fakest happy place on earth.

then, when the new harry potter book comes out, there will be that. and that will last thru the first four readings and subsequent discussions.

every sunday night its the simpsons.
and now, since september, its been green day.

its lame, maybe, to be obsessed with a band. but i just cant help it. its hard for me to like things a little bit. if i like something, i want to wrap it around me like a good hooded sweatshirt. i want to pitch it like a tent and live in it out on the front lawn. its just how i roll.

and green day has seen me through some hard times. dookie, kerplunk and 1039 were the soundtrack to me giving up popularity and athleticism for cigarettes, alcohol, hair dye and an attitude problem. viva 1994.
insomniac is my go to "angry" album.
nimrod provided all of us with "time of your life", the song that would become my generations "turning point" anthem, which will continue to be played at all of our graduations/weddings/funerals.
warning was the soundtrack to me growing up and getting my shit together.
and now, american idiot is the sound track to me getting sick of growing up and wanting to set fire to all the shit that i have gotten together.

anyway, ive been noticing that all i do lately on this myspace account is make references to american idiot. therefore, whoever can count em up and get the right answer wins a pencil topper.


shes a rebel, shes a saint
shes the salt of the earth
and shes dangerous.


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